Full Name
Fiona Chaâbane,
Job Title
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Younger Onset Dementia and Huntington’s Disease, Consultant Admiral Nurse, Wessex Neurological Centre, Southampton General Hospital
Speaker Bio
I qualified as an RMN in 1983 and have focused on dementia care since 1990 as a community psychiatric nurse, ward manager, day hospital clinical manager, lead nurse in older people’s mental health service/Matron and in a range of clinical management posts. I developed an interest in the needs of younger people with cognitive problems and led the service development of a specialist clinic for younger people with neurodegenerative disorders presenting to mental health services. I moved to work with the cognitive disorders clinic at Southampton General Hospital (University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust) in 2014 and deliver care/support/assessment/treatment and condition monitoring to people affected by younger onset dementia or Huntington’s disease, and their family members, in the community.
Speaking At
Hunting for answers: Huntington's disease in primary care